How HVAC Gauges Work

You should understand all about HVAC gauges even if you’ve just started in this industry. Luckily, the Youtube video “How Air Conditioning Gauges Work for Beginners” has all the information you need, explained in a simple way so everyone can understand. Let’s find out more!

HVAC gauges are also called refrigerant manifolds, and they come in different types. Their purpose is to measure pressure, and with that information, a technician can convert that pressure into temperature and calculate superheat and sub-cooling.

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The scale of the manifold shows different temperatures for different pressures of the refrigerant. When the needle points at a number, you can call that the saturation temperature.

It’s important to calibrate the HVAC gauges to atmospheric pressure which is why these manifolds measure at PSIG or pound per square inch gauge. You can do that with a screwdriver, turning the little lever on the manifold and moving the needle to zero. The HVAC gauges have two sides: the high-side or high-pressure gauge which normally comes in red, and the low-side or low-pressure side which is blue. Below you have the hoses.

You can watch the rest of the video for more details about HVAC gauges.


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